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Everything posted by Ende

  1. Re: PollandWarriors shop - fresh delivery <t>Magikarp 80k</t>
  2. Re: [sell] Amazing Scyther (Ada, Tech) 27Att 28Hp 27Def <t>Due to low offer number Ill keep the auction few days more.<br/> <br/> You can offer me instantprice, need fast money so theres high chance to accept it by me.</t>
  3. Re: [sell] Amazing Scyther (Ada, Tech) 27Att 28Hp 27Def <t>Up</t>
  4. Re: HIGH GRND II(Epics,Uts,Comps) <t>If there won't be better offers on Crobat contact me so we might talk about buyout price if interested :)</t>
  5. Re: [sell] Amazing Scyther (Ada, Tech) 27Att 28Hp 27Def <t>Up</t>
  6. Want to sell/trade this amazing Scyther :) Auction ends tomorrow / the day after next or if I'll be happy with the price. Adamant, Technician, 27Att 27Def 28Hp (the 3 most important stats on this guy) Auction starts at (best offer so far): 350k Also can trade it for Eevee/Jolteon, Dratini, Sneasel, Charizard, Venusaur (but you might add some cash). Let's go ;)
  7. Ende


    I really like this game and I know there can occur server drops or other things but seriously... If server went down once or twice I would try to find issues and fix them... If these servers aren't enough I would buy better or just change the hoster to better one. I'm really sad coz servers are off 12 hours a day for 3 weeks or so... GMs I love you and I love work you do but please focus on servers, then make game updates coz its too annoying to play 1 hour a day when we can more.
  8. Re: HIGH GRND II(Epics,Uts,Comps) <t>Crobat 80k</t>
  9. Sry I got private message earlier which I haven't seen :/. Sold already.
  10. Up I need fast money so I set instantbuy price - 150k.
  11. Re: Shiny Zubat (Jolly, 28Att, 22Spd, Inflitrator) <t>Up</t>
  12. Re: DENVERVIPER's SHOP - New Pokes Added (Oct. 30,2015) <t>Zubat 60k :) if interested in instantbuy price contact me :)</t>
  13. Re: Shiny Zubat (Jolly, 28Att, 22Spd, Inflitrator) <t>Ok, so I guess you have removed your bid. C/O is back at 100k. If offer will really satysfy me I can end auction earlier. Also due to time zones it might be avaible little longer than planned.<br/> <br/> Also I'm looking to trade it for good Jolteon / Eevee / Sneasel / Staryu / Gyarados / Aipom / Bulbasaur / Dratini. If Pokemon will be really good I can add some cash of course.</t>
  14. https://i.imgur.com/3njilKC.png Don't know how to upload a photo to forum so theres a link to imgur :v . How I won my life <3 C/O is 100k. It will end in about 24 hours - maybe little longer due to time zone or/if there wont be many bids. Also I'm looking to trade it for good Jolteon / Eevee / Sneasel / Staryu / Gyarados / Aipom / Bulbasaur / Dratini. If Pokemon will be really good I can add some cash of course.
  15. Hi guys, I have Venusaurite and actually dont have place in my team for grass Pokemon so I decided to sell/trade it. I know actually it doesnt work but it will, soon. So its worth 150k - 200k actually, im mainly looking for trade but if someone will give me good offer I can sell it too. I mainly would like to trade Venusaurite for Timid Eevee / Jolteon with high Speed and Special Attack OR Jolly Sneasel / Weavile with high Attack and Speed stats. If Sneasel will have other stats reaaaaally bad I might want some cash from you, but if they will be under average its ok. Contact in game: Ende
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