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Everything posted by Infragganty

  1. today I was online since 3pm until 7pm GMT and can't find to Somes, can't play more today so I guess or key will be definided with a coin like u said (sorry if my english isn't good)
  2. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9 <t>where is spiritbomb?<br/> he must be at least A- with the lack of fire and taunters pokemon</t>
  3. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [Fletchling, Chimchar ,Turtwig confirmed !!] ✰ <t>got metapod (missed in the list)</t>
  4. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 437<br/> "thanks to all the people who makes this game really fun (staff and players). For 24/25 dec: Merry Christmas! (sorry for bad inglish :P) "</t>
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