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About Icqhazel

  • Birthday 09/05/1997

Icqhazel's Achievements



  1. 1. 168 Hours play time 2. I live in Turkey 3. My favourite Pokemon is Sceptile.This headphones should be mine cause tomorrow its my birtday and i need some gift for memorize this game every day every time in my life.
  2. Starting Bid: 1m Auction will end 24 hours after last offer
  3. Time : 24 Hours Starting Bid : 300k Ill give this best last offer.
  4. same problem
  5. someone pls check price :(
  6. Pokemon : Krabby Level : 25 Nature : Adamant Ability : Hyper Cutter IV: ATK = 25 - DEF = 31 - SPD = 24 - SP ATK = 22 - SP DEF = 30 - HP = 31 EV TRAİNİNG : NONE
  7. it was pokemon xd
  8. Icqhazel

    Only Turks

    Blue serverındaki Türklerin herhangi bir guildi var mı varsa ortam nasıl
  9. Hello! I am ICQHazel, as you may have seen and I am very excited to join here! I have never seen much of this website until now and know little about it. Please fill me in and give me tips. I am excited to start my journey here!
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