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Everything posted by Nosef

  1. Nosef

    DOTA2 or LOL?

    Dota2 https://prntscr.com/979ylm
  2. u mean my bro cant offer on my post? than 4. Trades outside PRO are prohibited and not to be discussed in PRO. i sell to him? dunno whats rly happening or ur point but to think brothers/friendss cant offer on same trade even we play differently | I'll play your "I dont know what you're saying" card Pokemon Revolution :: Rules 8. Deceiving/Scamming people when it comes to trading or battling is prohibited. Basis: WrongMistake offered the same ralts to me and he said that the price suddenly rose to 250k so he asked me to check forums. I was cool with that, as a good ralts will always go for a big price. The price did increase, when I check it was him who made the raise. Why would the seller I talked to, would bid on the same monster he has? Why would you try to buy something that you already own? The one who raised the value was your little brother aka owner or regardless instigating the prices to increase. The person who I talked to in PRO said that the same ralts is in my other account, now who's telling the truth? That's deception my friend. Should I make it clear? Didnt you already admitted he is your little brother, and on the PRO he had that same ralts, so why offer on it?
  3. https://prntscr.com/93y0nc I just took a screenshot as you might realize what you did. Fake auctioning, raising prices with your dummy / little brother or whatever is not tolerable, that's the point of my post. Why raise the price on your "own" when you can simply let the crowd handle it. We buyers hate fakes. Faking BOs, with 0 intentions of selling it at all, just to increase the total value of a poke is really worst, anyway GL.
  4. wasnt this your main account earlier when you were selling it on PRO? why bid on your own post? I smell a smelly smelly smell
  5. https://i.imgur.com/PsvYGRG.png I think this is quite hilarious, though relogging it fixes it or via escape rope but I think it's best if this can be fixed properly on the game itself.
  6. post something random: [glow=black] RANDOM <i>[/glow]</i>
  7. Indeed, screenshots should be taken as proof.
  8. I'm not certain if this is allowed to be talked or if it's frowned upon here but I just wish to express this. I'm starting to notice a lot of players, regardless of who's buying / selling performing these types of shams. i.e. they would offer to buy your pokes / goods then after awhile they start to go out of sight, most of the time these are people that bid the highest and would let you wait for around 5 - 20 minutes. *if you'd be asking why wait and go for the lower offers, just think that once you have posted the highest bid, the rest would start leaving the pm's and it's annoying, esp. if you're trying to extend the price to your expected value. This is not only a problem of mine but honestly a lot of my friends and some newcomers have experienced this and it's quite draining. -You lose time negotiating -You waste time while waiting for that person to appear on the suggested destination -Worst is if you'd be traveling cross country just to trade and ends up the other side aint even there at after all the troubles you've went through. -Backtracking all those pms so you'd get to your other buyers instead that were legit which is hard at some point. Worst of all, some players do these things for fun and in the end they get no repercussions. I've got several screenshots of offers and negos that went like these, and honestly it would have been fine if they can at the least "decline" and not appear as a dummy, when you can actually see his avatar moving back and forth. If you'd suggest not trading with these people, then it's like you're the one at fault and on the other side they're free to repeat the same thing.
  9. I'm Nosef, and has been here for a few weeks now. Generally, i have a great impression on the community and the balance and the unique gimmicks of the server. Keep it up!
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