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  1. 1.2 mil
  2. Im waiting for a First offer, then we will do a bid for 24h for each, ty ^^
  3. Gliscor 2 still aviable?
  4. C/O 24h. https://oi66.tinypic.com/2d6sl1c.jpg Breloom Adamant Tech C/O 800k. Insta: 1,5M Gyarados C/O 200k Insta: 500k Roserade c/o 300K Insta: 600k Gengar Hidden power ICE. C/O 150K Insta: 300k
  5. Re: Wts adamant speed boost blaziken 100% ready <t>Done inst, srry</t>
  6. Re: 50 lv100 full trained pokes shop. Biggest shop server yellow ever <t>46-gliscor-1.8M</t>
  7. Re: Wts impish Gliscor and adamant H.A Talonflame <t>I will swap the talonflame price, didnt expect the 5 instants in 12hours...totally lose, i dont know the legality of that, but i will not swap more.<br/> <br/> I really dont find a better option, even if is inst, i wasnt on XD.<br/> If you preff, i will bid him only for the inst players.</t>
  8. best c/o 48H. I will write the bid name of all, one for one. Gliscor c/o 400k. Inst: 1M Talonflame C/O 1M+Ms for Xiaorodwaffles, 17:40 10-10-2016 Inst: 2M Gliscor h.a with toxic orb C/o =1.5M Inst:2.2M
  9. Weavile c/o: 100k. Lucario c/o 1.7M From Setzuen, insta 3M. Chanseys begin for 10k. You can offer trade in game, or do any question. finis; 5/10/2017-16:30-> GMT+2H.
  10. Wtb epic gliscor with hidden ability, for 2,3M. Im loocking for a good deino too, you can link pokes in game
  11. Marill 3 120k jmcoen93
  12. c.o. 800k, 48h. Insta: 2M.
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