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Brave Ursaring / Adamant Teddiursa (No Bunble) [Close]
Digaolcs replied to Mrrockall's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
1.6 M ursaring -
2m miltank
Brave Ursaring / Adamant Teddiursa (No Bunble) [Close]
Digaolcs replied to Mrrockall's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
1.45 ursaring -
Brave Ursaring / Adamant Teddiursa (No Bunble) [Close]
Digaolcs replied to Mrrockall's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
1.3 ursa -
Brave Ursaring / Adamant Teddiursa (No Bunble) [Close]
Digaolcs replied to Mrrockall's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
1.1m ursa -
Brave Ursaring / Adamant Teddiursa (No Bunble) [Close]
Digaolcs replied to Mrrockall's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
900k ursa -
Brave Ursaring / Adamant Teddiursa (No Bunble) [Close]
Digaolcs replied to Mrrockall's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
750k ursa -
epic 31 speed pinsir & 31 speed kangaskhan
Digaolcs replied to Thodo's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
Kang 910k -
Zefirexd got first
Digao's Store Ingame | Discord: digaolcs 1) Fake offers will be reported 2) You can't take back your offer Payment Methods: Pokedollars CC = 400K IV Reroll Ticket = 500K ------------------------------------------------------------------- Arbok Arcanine Azumarill Bidoof Pawniard | Bisharp Breloom Buneary | Loppuny Charmander | Charmeleon | Charizard Chikorita Corsola Ditto Froslass Furret Gallade Golem Grovyle | Sceptile Gyarados Haunter Jumpluff Kangaskhan Kecleon Larvesta | Volcarona Lillipup | Stoutland Miltank Munchlax Nidoran | Nidoking Noibat Phanpy Pidgeot Porygon Psyduck Pupitar Rattata Scyther | Scizor Shinx | Luxray Shuckle Sneasel Starly Taillow | Swellow Tauros Teddiursa Unfezant Vigoroth Wigglytuff Zorua ------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLD
is REALLY POSSIBLE The game don't give enough crystals, all the times that fails is because this. I need to use 2 fire crystals, but the game just give me 1 and give me 7 water crystals. Or i need to use 1 rock crystal, but the game didn't give the rock crystal. Today the hint was WATER is the most common type, but the puzzle only used 2 waters and the last that i needed was rock crystal, but the game didn't gave me the rock crystal, but i had like 6 water crystals with me. And this isn't just with me, i have friends doing the quest and fail all the times since the start of the new underground, just because the game don't give us the right amount os crystals.
I suggest that the new quest from Sinnoh Underground shouldn't have the chance of failling because there is no enough crystals. It's 4 times in a row that this fail for me. We can only enter 1x per day, we need to pay to enter and the rewards goes down more we try and fail the crystals puzzle. This quest should give us the right amount crystals of each type to complete every single time we enter.
epic 31 speed pinsir & 31 speed kangaskhan
Digaolcs replied to Thodo's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
770k Kangaskhan -
epic 31 speed pinsir & 31 speed kangaskhan
Digaolcs replied to Thodo's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
570 Kangaskhan -