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Everything posted by Digaolcs

  1. It's about time we have a in-game market, where we can buy/sell pokémon and itens. It's way better than using the forum. It's real time, and a lot faster. Can set a period of 7 days that the poke will be at the store, after that the poke will return to the owner. This can also be a good help to find people who uses macro/bt.
  2. Another WQ that starts 3 a.m. and i can't do, this is really unfair for some players. Please let's change this and make it full 24h for ALL PLAYERS have a chance of complete.
  3. Hi everyone. I would like to suggest this new WQ system. Why? This isn't just because Bidoof's WQ Failure. Sometimes WQ happen in a local time that benefits just part of the players, because sometimes takes 5h to complete if WQ has repel for example (Like starts a WQ at 3 a.m. local time for me, and i just came online like 10 a.m.) So my suggestion is this: (will use bidoof's wq) Pokemon: Bidoof Total Individual Values: 1,800,000 Single Individual Values: 9,000 Average submissions: 97 Lowest Tier: Common Reward: Mysterious Ticket Duration: 24 hours, or until submission goal We remove the submission goal as duration of WQ. Let the players use all the 24h to hunt and submit the pokés, and when the 24h time is over, the players who get the 0,5% or 3% will get the rewards. Yes, i know this can make more players doing 3% because it'll take full 24h. But also will let others players have the chance to get 0,5% just because they might have only 2h or 3h to play in a day. With this we solve the disappointment of doing a WQ to get 2 shards that just will be used when another wq fail (can take years), and i think will be an incentive to more players do the WQ.
  4. This is another problem, we don't get any good doing 0,8%, 1%, 1,5%... is 0,5% o 3%, and 600 bidoofs for 3% would take 10h
  5. There was others WQ in a Working Day, with tier 9 poké, that was completed. I think that players just don't want hunt a tier 1 poké because is too long. This Bidoof's WQ in 1h30 or 2h to get 0,5%, a tier 9 WQ takes the same time (even more) to complete 0,5%.
  6. Hi, want this 150k staryu please
  7. 2,5 M
  8. Fire: Torchic Water: Squirtle Grass: Rowlet
  9. Any hint about where we can find Iapapa Berry ou Figy Berry?
  10. It's possible that the final basket is toltally hidden or there is a small part visible? ----- I found it, it has a small part visible. Thanks
  11. Me too, only 19 Egg Baskets here
  12. Me too, only 19 Egg Baskets here
  13. Keeps crashing
  14. Hi, my game is disconnecting all the time, first he freezes, them the game disconnects. I now isn't my internet because everthing else works fine and keeps online. Can you guys help me?
  15. updated
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