Well, Hellow
I'm PrinceOfCourage and I recently discovered Pokemon Revolution Online and I really like it ^^
I don't understant why I didn't discover it earlier :)
So I'm French and I love pokemon universe since i'm a little kid: it starts by the pokemon cards in the scoolyard with trading and match ...
And then one of my cousin showed me Pokemon on Gameboy so a few years later I got a DS and I enjoyed myself a lot :)
Now I continue with the 3DS and PRO even if I just started x)
Hope I can find a kind and happy community with PRO: don't hesitate and add me as your friend :)
PS: I'm 17 years old and I don't like people to say that I'm too old for Pokemon, I already have my little sisters for that x)
Anyway, Pokemon is cool for every age !!!
PSbis: My pseudo is Princeofcourage, because that's how my friends name me because I just do crazy things all times ^^
Have a great Day !!