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About Princeofcourage

  • Birthday 04/18/1998

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  1. I'm THE Prince Of Courage, and I officially partcipate !!! Good luck to everyone too ^^
  2. It happened again .. that's really annoying ... Hope you'll find a way to correct that --'
  3. Re: Guilde Elite FR [Recrutement] <t>merci :)</t>
  4. Re: Guilde Elite FR [Recrutement] <t>Hellow<br/> J'arrive peut être un peu en retard mais y'a-t-il une petite place pour moi :)<br/> Je sais pas si je peux vous apporter quelque chose mais je vais essayer car même si je joue à pokemon depuis tout petit, il faudra m'expliquer plus en détail les trucs comme les IVs ^^<br/> Bref, je ferai de mon mieux en tant que Prince du Courage !!!</t>
  5. That's nothing, thanks for the answer :) I just wanted to know if it was a common issue :)
  6. Well, I was fighting as usual and at the end my pokemon was going to evolve but the most important, he was going to learn a new attack but the system reboot and when I logged again, I couldn't learn that attack, it was too late ^^ Do you have any solutions please ?
  7. Well, Hellow I'm PrinceOfCourage and I recently discovered Pokemon Revolution Online and I really like it ^^ I don't understant why I didn't discover it earlier :) So I'm French and I love pokemon universe since i'm a little kid: it starts by the pokemon cards in the scoolyard with trading and match ... And then one of my cousin showed me Pokemon on Gameboy so a few years later I got a DS and I enjoyed myself a lot :) Now I continue with the 3DS and PRO even if I just started x) Hope I can find a kind and happy community with PRO: don't hesitate and add me as your friend :) PS: I'm 17 years old and I don't like people to say that I'm too old for Pokemon, I already have my little sisters for that x) Anyway, Pokemon is cool for every age !!! PSbis: My pseudo is Princeofcourage, because that's how my friends name me because I just do crazy things all times ^^ Have a great Day !!
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