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  1. Hello Admin. I want to help to back my lost breeloom i accendentaly deleted that while deleteting thrash poke. And i dont have any ss for that. But tigreousand darkphase told me only admin can re-back and see the trade logs. I only have chance is to check my trades log to return my breeloom. Thank you for helping.! Server : Red
  2. Csn you check on trades log . Thats only i hope to back my breeloom :( Please help me.. See on trades marks
  3. Can you see at my trade logs . I forgot ss id and poke. Only i hope is on trade logs to polytron. Its jolly 30 spd ha epics ivs too.
  4. Thank you for helping :)
  5. Help me to bring back that pokes. Can you check my log history
  6. Can you help bring at me back again to me ? I accendentaly delete my epic ha jolly breeloom 5mins ago. I dont have ss for that :( I forgot to ss.. While deleting thrash poke . I delete my epic ha jolly breeloom. Pls help me
  7. Sad... I dont have any screen shot of this legendary
  8. hello can be possible you can re-catch legendary if not my intention to delete my legendary to nikola?
  9. Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r><QUOTE author="bushez"><s> </e></QUOTE> Really, and are you able to support that statement? Otherwise this is very reportable, could even lead to a temporary ban.<e> </e></QUOTE> This my poke and it have a bo 17m but i want to start at 20m . so many ppl wants this talon. dont mind to other business okay? and beside's that may guildmate also buy other epic talon @20m if other ppl realy want epic talon for pvp</r>
  10. But the megastone we treasured it and we bought it to others players we spend $$$ for it "RIP MEGASTONE" poor collector :Frown:
  12. Start offer=1.5m Instant=4m Duration =24hrs Add me in game for more info GLHF
  13. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 05/29] <t>1m for starmie timd seller Kjwu</t>
  14. Re: Spectru Shop only goods pvp pokemons <r>1.3m for hippo <E>:y:</E></r>
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