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  1. Same for me i can't go! Anyone staff member can look into this?
  2. thanks ! :)
  3. yes i did.
  4. Is there a place where i can see what is planned for this game and approximately when? I would like to know what are the next updates to come etc... If not can someone tell me what is planned for the game in the upcoming months ? Thank you.
  5. Hello! I would like to join this guild because what i like most is to hunt for my own rare pokemons and not trade to get rare pokemons and that is why i think guild fits me the most. Also i like the idea of group hunting. I really like this game and im looking to play a lot when the game release. Thank you. :Ambivalent:
  6. Safari task assigner bug. <t>When i try to talk to the safari task assigner my game freezes and i can't move and the only thing i can do is talk in the chat.</t>
  7. Hope you are having fun with the game! can't wait for the release.
  8. Hey guys i'm new to this game, i actually really like it, hope to see you in game!
  9. I checked in my spam and mail and i didnt receive it. Should i register a new account?
  10. Hello, I just registered to play the game and it told me i would receive an email to verify my account. However i didn't receive this email yet (about 45 minutes now). Is it normal ? Is there a way to resend the email? Thank you. Hope that you guys can help me.
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