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Everything posted by Antieux

  1. Re: RUKittenMe??? Recruiting! ~Yellow server~ <r><QUOTE author="xrevolutionx94"><s> </e></QUOTE> When the wise and powerful shugooo tells the future :D<e> </e></QUOTE> >:0<e> </e></QUOTE> He will destroy us all!!!! Destroy us all!!! Destroy us all!!! Destroy us all!!! <E>:Shocked:</E></r>
  2. you should do the backwards version lel..."the easiest way to go out"
  3. What if i want to unignore someone? whats the command? :D:
  4. My favorite pokemon is for sure umbreon. I should win this headset cuz i live in Venezuela and the economical situation in here wont allow me to get one myself :Cry: and i would just love to improve my listening experience :Smile: :thanks:
  5. It would make it easier to spot a friend in the same region you are. Several times i passed by next to a friend that was surrounded by too many people and i couldn't see him. Perhaps changing the name tag letters to blue or any other color would help to distinguish our friends (same thing you did with npc and players with memberships). Thank you! :Grin:
  6. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server) (temporarily closed-expanding) <r><QUOTE author="Antieux"><s> </e></QUOTE> clan* d*mn typos <E>:Angry:</E></r>
  7. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server) (temporarily closed-expanding) <r>I was looking for a better cland i found someone of your guild that was really nice to me...i would like to join! My name is antieux <E>:Smile:</E></r>
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