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  1. price check shiny ninetailes, diregarding nature, ivs, or level, just general guideline. Also if you guys want to be extra nice then an aerodyctical level 42, with naughty nature what is a general average price for this? Thanks
  2. between level 30-50 clone preferable but consider normal as well as long as not low level
  3. Levelling to 100 is too much time and commitment. Is there any way I can get a rough estimate as to the price? Should I just evolve it into a beedrill around level 25, or keep it as shiny kakuna level 25? Which higher price will I get
  4. I have a shiny kakuna I would like to know if people would prefer and pay more to buy the kakuna without evolving it or to evolve it into a beedrill which I assume remains shiny and sell it. Reason I am asking because people don't like evolved forms due to slower levelling. Also what is the price of a shiny Kakuna level 10 and a shiny beedrill?
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