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Everything posted by Azanahmed581

  1. So, I have been here since the first release and completed the first 3 regions when they released it. But I left for good to focus on other games. But after these years, thought of coming back to one of my root games. So what are the things that changed since then ? or what did they apply more ? Back in my time, one of the major reason of my leaving was lack of server space lol. Had to wait like 5-30 mins to login which was quite a lot.
  2. u traded with that npc i think...but the staffs can't help u i think..sorry to say/ :Frown:
  3. I couldnt talk to u and know u more..I heard of u alot..But didnt got the time to know you :( return if possible.. :Frown:
  4. In the first round caught 2 durants only from national park..both bad.but from them..its the best from the two i got. And from the 2nd round i got one charmander till now..here it is :
  5. Re: SkyHorizon's Guild Hunt Event Poll <t>I would ike to choose desert lagoon. Good pvp pokes and also the prices of those pokes are really high..</t>
  6. pm me about the anme of them,level and evs,and price u will give..
  7. Any proof its not u even ?
  8. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <t>bumpy :)</t>
  9. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <r><E>:Light:</E></r>
  10. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <t>bump :)</t>
  11. Re: SkyHorizon's Trading Center <t>Best of luck :)</t>
  12. Re: Ingame ITEM and Locations [because the owner of the old topic drop the game so i made a new one and keep it up to da <t>We can buy the shiny stone from the kanto safari by 20000. Theres a old guy who is hiding from his wife. U can simply copy the whole post of argodark as he left :)</t>
  13. My wish is to get a ms medallion.Anyone pls ? :Grin: And if u cant give this atleast let evolite work :(
  14. Can u explain more pls ?
  15. I need my pokemons to evolve for the kanto all pokemon caught entry.There are many pokemons. I will give them to evolve them.Pls say here if u are interested.I buy trash also as well.the are all under 40. :etc: Dont worry.I will pay for it too. :Grin: Or anybody can just give me his/her poke for lend of 1 min.After trading the entry in my pokedex will turn caught and i will give them back.I can pay with this too
  16. Re: daycare!For mega cheap deals! only johto now 0-10 3k and 10-20 etc 5k! with channel ^^ <r>I want to give you some pokes just to evolve.How much it would cost ? I need them for the all kanto pokemon caught entry in dex <E>:confused:</E></r>
  17. Re: Hannibal Chau's Kaiju Black Market <r>15 k for staryu ? <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  18. I dont want to hurt him.But can anybody explain me that what he tried to say ? :confused:
  19. Watch pokemon old episodes and check the status and play other games :)
  20. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <r>Merry Christmas PRO! 118<br/> <br/> ign: AzanAhmed581<br/> <br/> This number keeps many secret :3 I hope it would make me win <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  21. Re: [big update 29/11/2015!!!] VNS2 HUNTER's SHOP <r><QUOTE author="thecoolboy93"><s> </e></QUOTE> how much money can u pay sir??<br/> we got 1 godly adamant ryhorn full ev trained 31atk 31def 30speed 24hp, but it wont cheap sir :3<e> </e></QUOTE> Did u still have godly rhydon?<e> </e></QUOTE> No i dont.U have anything else sir ? I can go to 500 k highest :(</r>
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