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  1. Difference is accesibility, "same function", diferent way, different location.
  2. Yes, and when you buy a lvl 100 pokemon with fully trained stats you have to waste a lot of them. Berry functionality of leaving any investment set to 100 if its ev are over 100 is not implemented, so it is a waste. That's why i suggest this
  3. This would be a great idea, and its useful. I thought it could have pricer for a single stat or full clear. Thanks!
  4. Kazerito


    I want to apply, how can i do so?
  5. no egg moves so difficult to get aroma/heal bell on pokes only few pokes have them atm its luck to play around ohko moves if it connects its over btw is this the correct place for this post? well, my suggestion is that you better start up looking for these few, since this is not Smogon or any other game. This is PRO, so it follows PRO current state. Yeah, would be super neat if dragonite had heal bell, well... aromatherapy/healbell pokes are more valuable now. This is the hardest but best way to learn teambuilding.
  6. so what? have u heard of nat cure/status absorbers/aroma therapy/heal bell? Also, have u ever been to nintendo's official ladder? there was no sleep clause till x/Y (i didnt check oras) There are ways to play around (except for sheer cold maybe)
  7. https://prntscr.com/9epgdr I run an amd graphics card, 2gb. What else do you need?
  8. Hello Friends, every time i run PRO on my laptop it overheats a lot and often. Wanted to figure out why, since the graphics are not like next gen, and i thought of my procesor. Is PRO coded in a way it doesnt harm the procesors? (i know its more a question than a suggestion, but still, needed to know) suggestionlike would be: I suggest you optimize the code! :D Thanks for your time
  9. Hello guys! Im obsessed with pokemon quality, so i dont like to charge extra for stuff that i think its not worth. For the pokemon that i think might have potential i will auction them, and if the offer is good enough i might instasell. Not usually interested on trades, but if i will consider it if the offer is good enough. I usually post a price next to the pokemon, that is not the final price, it may vary depending on the offers i receive, but at least try not to be a lowballer and get everything cheap for me. I might say no to some customers anytime(im not doing this without a reason obviously) and I usually consider people who repeatedly buys from me, so lets go! Last thing, offers above 1m on untrained pokemon, get free ev and level training. [align=center]------------------------------- Fully Trained Pokemon ------------------------------- Ampharos Comments: its a nice bulky tank. Good for paralysis/light screen support on teams that need bulkier threats. Trained on HP and Sp. Def Price: 200k ------------------------------- (UT) Untrained Pokemon ------------------------------- Machop Comments: I dont know how to rate this pokemon. Nature is suited for a bulk up moveset, iv's are godlike. It has a lot of potential, due to his high hp spread. Price: I might do an auctionlike sell, so receiving offers at the moment, BO is 110k, but i think the final price is way higher than that Machop Comments: Good iv spread and nature. Ability is pretty good if you're planning on running a close combat set. A solutely recommended, machamp's current position in the PRO metagame allows you to do so. Price: 85k -----------------------------(DPWR) Decent/poor pokemon i want to get rid of ------------------------------------ PM Kazerito ingame, post here or send a forum PM. Thanks for checking my store! changelog: sold Ralts (04/12/2015)
  10. Yeah, because there is no benefit on reducing the pkmn's defenses and many pokemon will get One hit KO'ed by many priority attacks if you decrease its defenses. Ignore that if you're going for a mixed set, where you dont want your atk/spatk reduced. What i meant with "Suboptimal" is that a pokemon with flawless iv's and a Hardy nature or any nature that can't use that pokemon stats to his maximum, is not even worth it, in a competitive context. Smogon is listed above as a reference to check for the most used natures on each pokemon. I recommend following those for you to decide which one is optimal and which one is not.
  11. I make this guide for the people who are constantly asking on the chat. I guess there's a lot of people that actually gets annoyed because of this kind of repetitive question. So if you're the kind of guy that constantly types "[poke1] rate pls" or "how do i rate my pokemon", this is the place to read. First of all, pokemon prices depends on the competitive use of them, so if you're not planning to play competitive and just want to pass the story, i recommend you to skip this guide, since you will be worrying about something that is not very necesary. You can actually beat the game with a set of completely worthless ivs and natures, so dont worry, and enjoy the game that way ^.^ The first thing we need to learn in order to rate a pokemon is a little thing about stats: Status: Status follows the following formula: Nature Modifiers: Every single nature besides the 4 Neutral Natures reduces one and increases another stat by 10%. This applies after every other thing has been factored. You can find all the descriptions of each nature on this site: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Nature. Its important to notice that HP is not affected by any nature. The is is the first part of pokemon's quality since it will define the power, the tankyness and, finally, the real utility of a certain pokemon. Base Stat: For every single pokemon, there is a base stat for each stat, this just depends on the race(gender in some particular cases as nidoran m and f). You can easily get those base stats by surfing on smogon's 6th generation utility. https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/ IV of the stat: IV stands for Individual Value. This is generated when the pokemon is created by the game and therefore it is completely random and not manipulable, it can range from 0 to 31. This is the second and most important part of pokemon quality. As you can see in the formula, each point of IV is translated in 1 point of the final stat at level 100 (1.1 for boosting nature, 0.9 for hindering nature). So this means if your pokemon has flawless(31) speed IV's it will always outspeed another pokemon of the same race which has a lower value. EV of the stat: EV stands for Effort Value. This is the value that represents your training, for every 4 points you get this value to raise, you'll pokemon will earn a stat point at lvl 100. Every single pokemon you kill with it will yield points into a certain stat depending on what pokemon you did kill(even if he just assists or switches out!!). If you want to know what poke yields which ev, i recommend you to follow this link https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_effort_value_yield. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Competitive: Every single pokemon has a competitive use. For example, a pokemon as dodrio, which has good base stats on Atack(atk) and Speed(Spe) is considered a sweeper, and needs a positive nature and investment in these stats in order to fulfill its role and do his job optimally (and hopefully better than other sweepers). If you anytime run into a bold(-10% atk +10%defense) dodrio which runs tri-atack on its set, he's probably not gonna sweep through your team because of his low base Spatk, probably not gonna tank much because of his low defenses even with a positive nature. Conclusion: if youre fast and strong but not very intelligent, dont be an astronaut or a scientist. A good reference on this kind of things is Smogon again (might be inaccurate cause of the metagame differences between normal pokemon games and PRO)with his strategy dex utility. (Quick Guide, hit search, look for the pokemon you want to rate and check out its description). Following the dodrio example, you can notice what i said: https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/dodrio/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality The quality of your pokemon relies in 2 major factors: Stat quality and nature: This is easy, the more the better (there are some weirds cases that want 0 IV's in speed for max Gyro ball damage output, but this kind of thing is very rare). Why have a pokemon with an IV of 30 when you can have a pokemon with a flawless 31 IV. Useability: Ok guys, here's the thing. You can catch a flawless luvdisc with the correct nature and shiny. Its still a luvdisc and wont do much in battles. RAW power or utility matters in competitive(i told this guide was focused on competitive), so the luvdisc (even if its the finest among its kind) its still poor and i wouldn't call it a good pokemon. If you want to check power and useability i recomend smogon again, through its battling formats or tiers which is listed next to the pokemon in the strategy dex utility (quick guide from best to worst: UBER, OU, BL, UU, BL2, RU, and RU- is non valuable in my opinion, but then again, everyone has his own criteria). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rating Formula: This is just an estimate and ill gladly check on suggestions. This ignores, at this moment, rarity of the pokemon and competitive use, since its just based on a mathematical perspective and not even considering useability or 'more useful stats'. Use this as a reference and then modify it through useability and experience. If: Nature is useful: In a scale from 0 to 10. [(IVhp+IVatk+IVdef+IVspatk+IVspdef+IVspe)/186]*10 This actually represents the raw percentage of iv goodness Nature is not useful: Quality 0%. You dont really want a pokemon which has a bad nature or not nature at all, suboptimal natures are not even considered. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final words, I hope this was useful to you people, and if you've got any specific questions which are not answered on this thread, feel free to send me a message through the forums. Thanks for reading ^.^
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