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  1. Hi guys! I'm playing Pokémon Moon a lot, and I'm to close to complete the Alolan Dex but I want to know if you could help me with only 2 Pokémon, Solgaleo and Buzzwole (I already got Kartana) ONLY FOR DEX, I will return them (or maybe you want keep my Pheromosa and I get your Buzzwole, as you wish) or I can breed you a starter from gen. 5 as a gift for you if you help, or something. I will appreciate it so much guys, thanks!
  2. And Politoed is one of my favourite Pokémon :Grin: I'm lucky xD
  3. Hi guys! I'm actually playing Pokémon Moon and just now I got a Poliwag shiny, only 2 days after start the game *-* I want to share with you. I was close to kill him cause it seems like a normal one lol Btw, are you playing S/M? I will come back to PRO in a while :3
  4. He said he has no acc because it's a waste of time on a game which will be shutdown or something.
  5. I also suggested tournaments some month ago, but and admin told me it was a bad idea (don't remember why, I'll search the topic) EDIT: Here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=28575
  6. I want too :( When the clone event was released I thought the Clone Pokémon was just one with the same stats as your starter xd... Sad.
  7. My turn :D Not bad if not mirror :D And this... I got just surfing in Dragons Den, I was doing some quest :(
  8. Hello guys! I'm training now a Sylveon and I'm not secure about what EVs should I give him. What do you think is the best option? (IVs aren't high, but I don't care at all) [float=left]Nature: Calm Ability: Pixilate ATK: 30 DEF: 28 SPD: 17 SPATK: 5 SPDEF: 11 HP: 7[/float] FULL SPECIAL DEFENSIVE: MIXED DEFENSES: MIXED DEF+HP: You can tell me another combination if possible :)
  9. :O Today it's my birthday too, happy bbday Shane! :Smile:
  10. It's good btw. I'm gonna train an Unaware Quagsire for the future :3
  11. I'd like that too :D
  12. Thanks guys for answer ^^ And yes, this could be added in a future, not now :3
  13. Hi guys! I was thinking about why not add an Unranked battles system like Rankeds. I mean, in the PvP option you could choose between Ranked or Unranked battles before join a battle. In Unranked battle you won't lose points/rating, so you could test a team, or just for fun if you don't like to be serious on battles :) Yes, actually we have unranked battles but we need to find someone who wants to fight, ask in chat and stuff, but with this we could automatically join a battle. (I found more threads about this in forums but they was old) So, what do you think? :Grin:
  14. Sad :(
  15. Hi guys! I've just finished my Salamence but now I realized Outrage is not an egg move for him D: and I need to know if Outrage tutor is available on PRO ;( Thanks!
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