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Joaovitor573's Achievements



  1. Username:joaovitor573 Server:gold Country/Timezone:Brazil/GMT -3
  2. In-game name: joaovitor573 Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 18771727
  3. https://imgur.com/a/qRdnUH9
  4. *&* Name in the Game: joaovitor573 *&* How many Hours game play do you have currently? 240 *&* How many badges do you currently have? Johto,kanto,hoenn and sinnoh *&* Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Yes *&* Your discord username: pao_de_batata *&* Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? Yes *&* Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? i will help the members
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