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Everything posted by Fotisz2891

  1. Re: Xmas special giveaway!! <t>Q1)Which is your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/> A1)Garchomp is my favourite. It's a monster, very fast, very strong and great moveset. <br/> Q2)Who is your best friend and why?<br/> A2)Matakias is my PRO best friend, he helps me with trades and battles<br/> Q3)Why u want to win?<br/> A3)Because it's Christmas. It's a great feeling to take a present at Christmas<br/> Q4)What is your special wish?<br/> A4)New Region</t>
  2. i't very dissapointing that i have to beat Arnie boss to take Lugia data. i have to wait two weeks every time to fight and fight the boss and i can't continue to catch celebi and jirachi with all other pokemons data's that i collect. i leave the game for 2 weeks every time because of this.
  3. I fight mewtwo but I lost. But I register the data. I'll go then and it's not here. Is it a possibility to can't caught Mew because I don't win Mewtwo?
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