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About Garcia

  • Birthday 10/24/1991

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  1. Hello. Server: Gold. Ot: trolao. Id:
  2. Hello, could you help me?, By mistake i deleted a Pokémon, i attached a screenshots of the id. Thanks You.
  3. Server Transfer Username: Garcia Server to charge money: gold old Main server to server: gold to silver
  4. I will be connected on Tuesday, November 7, starting at 5:00 p.m. my nick is Garcia I'm in the server amarrillo
  5. yellow server , Garcia i choose dreadtown
  6. Help! I am not allowed to go to where the Mayor Gorge is, I have been there for more than a week and I have not been able to finish the quest I already beat the Dreadtown boss, Mayor Vlad and he will not let me go back to the beginning of the island until he defeats Mayor Gorge thanks.
  7. Garcia

    Bug quest

    I already beat the Dreadtown boss, and he will not let me go back to the beginning of the island until he defeats Mayor Gorge, and that's where I can enter to challenge him.
  8. Garcia

    Bug quest

    Help! I am not allowed to go to where the Mayor Gorge is, I have been there for more than a week and I have not been able to finish the quest thanks!
  9. yes, I beat him
  10. IM BUGGED <r>Help! I am not allowed to go to where the Mayor Gorge is, I have been there for more than a week and I have not been able to finish the quest<br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/-_8wNZv3SRGcLmr89Q5EiQ.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/_kKqfgjCTK629HjBPzR86A.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/Ewp_wDkZQpCwjs7ENcfzpA.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> thanks!</r>
  11. Help! I am not allowed to go to where the Mayor Gorge is, I have been there for more than a week and I have not been able to finish the quest
  12. Garcia


    I have defeated Major Vlad and I can not enter the cave to continue the mission. what should I do?. thanks
  13. hello, beat Vlad and these npc's will not let me continue to challenge Major George, which I do. Thank you
  14. hola como hago para poder habilitar los canales de "trade, help, all, battle" solo puedo escribir y ver lo que escriben por "local" :y: :thanks:
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