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  1. Hey! Welcome! Loving the name! :Shy:
  2. Hey there! I'm from Red too! Welcome to PRO!
  3. Hey there! Messaged you :D
  4. Lots of giveaway!
  5. Hello! Welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy your stay and the game! :Shy:
  6. Hey! Welcome to PRO! :Grin:
  7. Hey Pythagni ! I'm from RED server too ! You might see me in All Chat / Trade Chat pretty often :Shy:
  8. Are you looking for digital hand-drawn or like draft pencil hand-drawn? :D: doesnt matter, as long as its handdraw, what i need is its originality Hahaha! Alright, I can give it a shot, you want a derpy mudkip? :P
  9. Don't think there is one. However having a Pokemon that can false swipe and have status move would be a great asset to capturing. Good Pokemon would be Parasect and Absol(thunder wave).
  10. Are you looking for digital hand-drawn or like draft pencil hand-drawn? :D:
  11. Hello ! :Grin: Who doesn't love Pokemons? :Shy:
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