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  1. Re: Selling lvl 100 ev trained bold shiny slowbro. <t>if no more offers until Saturday morning that ill login consider it sold to black titan</t>
  2. well,this is it. https://imgur.com/a/Pwt3n buyout offer 1m,auction ends 24h after the first bid.
  3. It's name is Random pumpkin in front of Cerulean cave. There are also tons of other pumpkins.
  4. you see,the difference is the difficulty in getting a proper cottonee to a proper budew/roselia (1) the ifficulty of training each poke's respectful ev's and more. i do see i am acting like a sore loser,and i would prefer trashing it than selling it at this point.
  5. I would really appreciate being granted an exception of a stun spore tm in my inventory,im really about to quit the game after so many hours and money spent. Or some other working solution.
  6. Nope,does not work. Stun spore is not on Whimsicott's learn moveset,thanks for the try, rip 8h and the tutor fees.
  7. So,i was happily leveling my soon-to-be whimsicott,and after some hours it reached 98,and i happily evolved. I soo came to realize i could not re-learn the move stun spore,and now a pokemon i spent hours on,even after server rollback making me lose levels,is wasted. (yes because of one move). Is there anything we could possibly do about it? Maybe have a secret stun spore tutor,or a redeemable tm? I have spent (as others) time and money in the game,bought an ms to be able to catch this poke as well as others,and now this. I am a player coming from gen3 and did not know this happened,i cant even learn it from the egg move tutor.
  8. 400k,im buying it.
  9. sent you a pm.
  10. Any form of it is appreciate it,if speedy nature without losing sp atk i will pay more. Payment may come on coins due to hard cash being used,friend me in-game to show me the larvesta or reply below.
  11. i have this if you're interested. https://imgur.com/a/e2bzL
  12. This little guy needs a new home,auction will last till Monday 9pm Athens gmt +2 time. buy out offer is 1 million. That's a lot of money. EDIT: If i do not like the offer,auction will be restarted again with same time limit extended to the next day. https://imgur.com/a/e2bzL Canceled due to no interest on forums.
  13. My favourite pokemon is Haunter and i would like to own this headset in order for you not to be haunted.spooks are coming soon with haloween and this headset could help me greatly both gaming wise but cosplay wise in a grand project of mine. Country of residence is greece.
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