Hello.... Can i join this guild?
1* Your in-game nickname, how old you are & where you come from?
A : Ragnarokw , 24 , Indonesia
2* How many in-game hours?
A: 100++
3* Regions Completed?
A: Kanto, Jhoto>>> and soon hoeen :Heart-eyes:
4* What is your goal in-game? (farming, hunting, PvP)
A: first of all, i wanna clear the story first, explore region, finding hidden item, and mostly collecting pokemon for making a great team
5* Why do you think Vesteria is a good fit for you?
A: because vesteria great guild, help each other, teamwork (not team rocket :Smile: ) and its good to play together
6* Whats the one pokemon you want to have on your team & why?
A: noibat, because so funny when Ash get this pokemon from hatching and noibat learn to fly(pokemon X&Y) :Smile:
7* What ability/skill can you bring to the Vesteria?
A: i can help each other, active member, hunting together