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Everything posted by Ragnarokw

  1. 57k :kiss:
  2. buying fletching galewing any nature its okay.. if anyone have it..u can sell it to me and OFFER PRICE - u can reply this tread by screenshot ur fletchling and price - u can pm/add me in game :thanks: :y:
  3. hai.. i wanna joim this guild 1. ragnarokw 2. 21 3. 290++ 4.10 5. all complete 6. im searching for active guild.. discussing about quest/pokemon and most important part is to help each other
  4. WTB team rocket set 150k ign: Ragnarokw pm me in game (faster) or reply this thanks
  5. Hello.... Can i join this guild? 1* Your in-game nickname, how old you are & where you come from? A : Ragnarokw , 24 , Indonesia 2* How many in-game hours? A: 100++ 3* Regions Completed? A: Kanto, Jhoto>>> and soon hoeen :Heart-eyes: 4* What is your goal in-game? (farming, hunting, PvP) A: first of all, i wanna clear the story first, explore region, finding hidden item, and mostly collecting pokemon for making a great team 5* Why do you think Vesteria is a good fit for you? A: because vesteria great guild, help each other, teamwork (not team rocket :Smile: ) and its good to play together 6* Whats the one pokemon you want to have on your team & why? A: noibat, because so funny when Ash get this pokemon from hatching and noibat learn to fly(pokemon X&Y) :Smile: 7* What ability/skill can you bring to the Vesteria? A: i can help each other, active member, hunting together
  6. Re: Tranquility {Yellow Server}[Recruiting!] <r>hello <E>:Grin:</E> ... can i join? my name Ragnarokw<br/> and this is my card <br/> <IMG src="https://i68.tinypic.com/fxunt4.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> have a nice day <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  7. hallo ^^ can i join guild? my ign ragnarokw
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