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Everything posted by Bitterflame

  1. Hey dude i want to buy magby and mantine dex data. Do u have them?
  2. well i just realeased 3 of my pokemon by a mistake. can we restore them? Here is the prinstcreen with the ids of the pokemon [image]https://prntscr.com/hgcuv9[/image] I play in yellow server
  3. Hello, yesterday i could pass through these guys https://prntscr.com/h0la2q today i am getting these message from them https://prntscr.com/h0lbiz Is this a bug or i have done something wrong?
  4. Hello i'm from Greece and i would like to win this bad boy because o really really miss the old days with nintendo's handheld consoles
  5. Re: Nintendo Switch Giveaway <t>I would really want to relive my childhood years with nintendo switch. So good luck to me :D</t>
  6. I have to play in nintedo machine since Game boy Advnance. Plz count me in too
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