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  1. yes it worked perfektly, thanks. now i can take on the sinnoh region without the help of 2 pokes higher level. have a nice evening.
  2. Hariyama and Hypno from my current party please. thanks
  3. how this bug came about i dont know. i just assumed that it had something to do with the friend, because i gave him a few pokes to get through the story. but im not sure if those 2 pokes i have in my party stuck now are ones that i gave him. the pokes are still in my party. unable to move. if you could remove them it would be nice.
  4. Hey everybody. Im having a strange problem. Im at Sinnoh and not finished it, but somehow my teamparty was filled up with 2 pokes of mine from hoenn and kanto. I cant put them on the Pokecenter, cant change their position in team. i only have one explanation. I borought out some of my pokemon to a friend in game. maybe he contacted the staff so i get my pokes back. I didnt get all of them back though. Please help me. thanks
  5. you can find drillbur in mineral site i think. it fled from me 1 time
  6. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>[align=center]I would like to register!<br/> Server: red <br/> Timezone: GMT+1<br/> Trainer Card: <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/8701da92b5ea4a069de93d8dc31793ea.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]</r>
  7. Re: H.A Clone Charmander Awesome IVs <t>77k my bet</t>
  8. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>50k shuckle</t>
  9. Re: zinne's QualityShop <t>20k for that gyarados</t>
  10. Re: *~* Shox's - Pokeshop *~*| Godly Bagon &other epics/goods <t>25k heracross</t>
  11. you are savage man but let me try :confused: so in your oppinion im exploiting (useing) the detriment (disadvantag) now to legelize my question for a higher Value of these berrys.. well im not asking for a silver platter, im just concerned about this Playstyle the game proposes. If you have to run through storyline without having good pokemon witch you can't use later on (PVP is what Pokemon is all about, as a computer MMO game..) this is not the idea that build Rome if you know what i mean my friend. In my opinion it should be easier to use your Storyline Pokemon in PVP - thats what my goal is. We dont have the time to search ANOTHER time for good pokemon and raise them up ANOTHER time... :Exclam: If i knew how hard resetting EV's is, i would have played the suggested way... :Exclam: so all i want to discuss here if we can maybe make the berrys resett 50 Points or what ever. Please tell me if im wrong on this one (Its not like my pokemon are perfekt now but if i want to use a Umbreon in PVP battle i please want to use my own lvl 100 and not buy another one for 100k or search them - dont know if it is even possible)
  12. Well that is the opinion i did feared the most - please let me explain why - Because this is exactly what i ment with a high expenditure of playtime. Fact is, we all want several and ofc different good IV pokemons - especially for lategame PVP - but we dont have the time to play all day, every day. 1. It's true that you should keep track of your EV's but after training 6 Pokemon to lvl 100 through Storyline, i won't catch&train 6 different Pokemons of the same kind to level 100 (for me its smart management if you search a good pokemon and train it so you dont use so much time on leveling up - and this should not be punished). 2. Of course there are only approximately 6-12 pokemon you used in storyline and brought up to lvl 100 and in consideration of how long you will play this game eventually these 12 pokemon are not much. (but exactly why then making these 12 pokemon sooo much more timespending to prepare for PVP ? - and that is why i stopped playing - because all players who searched for good pokemon in the beginning getting punished for their effort we made earlier in the game) :Exclam: We need double the time - just trough this 10 Points of Berry system. :Exclam:
  13. hey Arnie, thanks for your answer. well as i see this subject it could bug more people then just me, so i thought we could make a discussion out of this. isnt this the official forum? i actually never wrote something in such a forum before so please apologize if this wasn't the right way. Can y I just wanted to show my point of view, that these EV berrys should have a proper value... if i need 20 berrys for resetting 200 points on attack EVs of my venomoths, i would be faster if i search a week for a better one and then train it another week up to level 100... is this really the right way to do so from your point of view? i suggest not because i like my pokemon who pulled me through Kanto and Johto. Btw great game so far i had a lot of fun getting through the story. i sometimes really laught about these implemented jokes and sidequests :Heart: keep up that good work.
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