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Everything posted by Madsrm

  1. Good guide, however I would still prefer that you spent some more time on the layout :P
  2. You'll have to wait for a server reboot to resolve this issue.
  3. Welcome to PRO. Hope to see you ingame sometime :)
  4. Sounds like a bug if you ask me.
  5. Welcome trainer!
  6. They appear super rare, as in 1/8192 could be a shiny.
  7. Welcome to the community :3 If you need any help, feel free to pm me, if you're on the Red server ofc :3
  8. You'll need to wait for a server reboot like I told you on the Kiwi IRC.
  9. Welcome danielbub. I hope to see you ingame :3
  10. Greetings :3 Red is love, Red is life. Am I right? :D
  11. I hope you return at one point, but for now, goodbye :c
  12. Welcome to PRO :3
  13. Welcome to the community :3
  14. Welcome :3
  15. I believe in you! You can do it! :D Just keep on grinding xD
  16. Welcome :3 Nice to meet ya :P Good luck catching all the shinies! xD
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