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  1. I logged into Silver, logged out and it allowed me to log into Gold. Not saying it'll work but it could be worth a go.
  2. Hi all. Just wondering if people know where the clones are spawning? Currently in Johto and I can't go back to Kanto so wondering if they spawn here too! Thanks in advance!
  3. Already suggested. This is a quality of lite (not urgent at all) update, but I am sure we will see it in the future :) Awesome! Yeah I thought it might have already been suggested after I posted, glad to know it is potentially going to be in a future patch :)
  4. Hi guys. This is more of a cosmetic suggestion and I'm sure you've got more important things to implement, but if possible I'd like to suggest the ability to change the order of your pokemons moves. I like to have the ability to order my moves into priority and if it is possible I'd like to see something like what is in the original pokemon games.
  5. I know this week they are focusing on maintenance of the server, I'm hoping that it is so that they are able to up the server limit, even upping it by 30-50 would probably make it fine.
  6. The server capacity could do with upping, either that or a queue system.
  7. So you are basing your opinion on people who do nothing but play games. Sorry to disappoint but those people are not the ones that will keep this game going, people with money will and they are not 'no-lifer trainers'. It is only 'easy' if you pump hour upon hour on this game and do nothing else, I agree, but most people are not like that. The only thing that annoys me is the server being full when I come home from work :( Oh, and not being able to order the moves that my Pokemon have grinds my OCD gears.
  8. Hi guys. I know this has probably been brought up many many times to you but it would be nice to know when the servers are going down ingame. Not all of us have large dollar pools and I have basically wasted 5k entering the safari zone a few minutes before the server went offline. If possible could it be announced about server downtime in game an hour in advance? With interval announcements?
  9. I have a galaxy s6 and the resolution makes the game look tiny, is it possible to enlarge the game in someway? It's nearly impossible to read the tiny text. Edit: I know the gui can be enlarged but it is possible to enlarge the rest?
  10. Gud Luck!
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