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1.1m for venusaur !
Hello @Maisa I did follow the steps and everything went right (I had to try Eterna Forest this time) ! My eevee is now a Leafeon ! Thank you very much for your time !
Hello there, i'm at petalburg woods, i tried to evolve my eevee by leveling it up with some Rare Candies, but nothing happened. I can use only one last rare candy and it doesn't seem to work, so i thought ti might be better to create a topic here. Any help would be appreciated !
Auction Finished ! Winner is @Alderego7 Screenshot will be posted when the trade will be made.
14 hours left
C.O. 1m by @Alderego7 Min BId: 100k Insta Price: 3m Duration: Ends 23/9 1:00a.m. (GMT +3) You can bid here,ingame or on discord( imp0#9395 )
Bisharp sold to [uSER=1336074]Gmannnnn[/uSER] !
BUMP :D -30% on all prices
Hey dude, may i buy the pupitar(60k) and the ferroseed(200k) ? Thank you !
Pelipper SOLD to Reese :D
Sceptile sold !
I've contacted you via private message ;)
Hawlucha SOLD !
Hello ! its price is 350k, but its negotiable
Since unburden now works, 2 new pokemons, Sceptile and Hawlucha ! Also 20% OFF until end of July !!!
2 New pokemons added, Torkoal and Bisharp
Hello ! SInce the new client update i've been having an "issue" in my private conversations ingame. As you can see in the screenshot,every message I send has a questionmark(?) at the end of the sentence, which i don't type myself when i send the message and it doesn't appear on the other person when I asked if they can see it. Also when i try to link a pokemon on the private chat as you can see it just sends a question mark and no pokemon link. If it helps, I'm using MAC Client. Thank you in advance
Hello Friend ! I sent you a private message :D
Welcome to my shop ! I'm Imp0, from Predators Guild and this is a small shop I made to sell some decent pokemons at an actual low-mid price ! 20% OFF UNTIL END OF JULY Some basic stuff: 1. Feel free to negotiate a price, but low ball will not be taken seriously. 2. Consider every pokemon you will buy that will come to you 100lvl 3. I Accept CC for 300k, Reroll Tickets( IV 600k, Nature 300k ) and cash ! Nothing else :D 4. You can post a reply here if you are interested in a pokemon, but will be prefered if you contact me personally on my discord @imp0#9395 Special Thanks to @kasbarinoo for helping training and leveling them ! Check his shop here, he is fast and reliable with super nice prices :D Gastly 150k Gastly 200k Gastly 200k Gastly 200k Gastly 200k Haunter 250k Pelipper 250k SOLD Pelipper 250k SOLD Scyther 200k Breloom 250k Rotom 250k Exeggutor HP Rock 250k Arcanine 350k Growlithe 300k Riolu 300k Torkoal 300k Bisharp 300k SOLD Sceptile Unburden 500k SOLD Hawlucha Unburden 350k SOLD Have a nice summer !
hi there ! Wtb Treeko Timid Overgrow high stats on satk and speed! Pm here, ingame: imp0 or discord: imp0#9395 PEACE
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