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Everything posted by Teamrocketdeath

  1. Welcome to Pro. Add me in game bro I started on classic red/blue as well! XD
  2. I never want this event to end. You guys should make Vulcan Island a permanent place in the game. It's my favorite place in game. Hands down, nothing else gives off a similar vibe or even comes close to it in my opinion. I will be sad to see it go.
  3. Welcome to PRO. Hope to see you in game some time. Battle it out it the future bro.
  4. I can't wait to give this page a makeover!!! New everything coming soon people! Team Rocket is expanding at a break neck pace, woe to PRO yellow server. *All Hail Team Rocket* :Cool:
  5. I'm a little confused on the use of a general complaint area if it is classified. I have an issue id like to raise and discuss with the community (it desperately needs the feedback of everyone) but it seems that the creators of this board have seen to it that that kind of inter-player dialog is impossible. What gives pro staff? Virtually zero transparency on this website and it seems to be that way by design. I've played many Pokemon styled mmo's and this one is the most Orwellian I have encountered in all my years. This deeply saddens me because the game play is incredible and the community is amazing. The most incredible non-nintendo pokemon game ever imo. I fear I may be perma-banned for this post. It has been nice knowing you all, I really love this game and wish to continue playing. Some things are worth saying I guess. I couldn't live with myself in this game without saying something.
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