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Posts posted by Olman

  1. 148258
    148158 naw but having them recatable if you d/c or killed it but onyl ONCE will be better cuz alot of players have killed by mistake or misclick or server crashed while they were getting it. Its only fair

    if they killed it is their fault tbh

    148159 By Legendaries you mean Celebi and Mew right?

    yes, those are the only obtainable


    you havnt ever misclicked? not everytime they kill its their fault, but my option might be the best only let those who killed/disconnect be able to recatch , i think it was doggy dat lost his mew due to crash.i understand that they dont give back lost pokes for crash but legends is a diff issue is it not?

    that's why im suggesting this if you killed it or lost it by rollback you can wait an amount of time to have another shot.


    Mew and celebi are very powerfull in pvp and I'm agree with not being tradeable but lets be honest the chance of getting a decent for pvp in one oportunity it's very low

  2. 148158 naw but having them recatable if you d/c or killed it but onyl ONCE will be better cuz alot of players have killed by mistake or misclick or server crashed while they were getting it. Its only fair

    if they killed it is their fault tbh

    148159 By Legendaries you mean Celebi and Mew right?

    yes, those are the only obtainable

  3. Having just one shot for a good legendary for pvp it's pretty lame so why not make then re-catchable every 3 weeks or so they are not tradeable it wont impact the market, I know is just like that in the original games but at least you could save before the battle catch the legendary check natures ivs ability and if you didnt like it just restart the machine and catch it again

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