I'm pretty sure the reason for this is one word. Bots. Look at how many people were banned last ban wave for botting, more than 3000, it's an amazing amount. Also if you go to dragon den on any server especially yellow, you'll see the same people there everyday for 24/7 and if you pm them they don't reply. It's pretty awful how they can just freely bot like that. They inflate the price with the free money they "get". It's pretty easy to spend hell lot of money on something that's not worth as much because it's free money. Yellow only been out for serveral months and ms already 500k. Victory road literally has more botters than the entire population of China lmao. We need a system that reduce bots or eventually botters will just play with themselves. Some people say they can get around 100k+ just grinding for an hour, imagine the money the botters get botting for 24 hours a day everyday.