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Everything posted by Baolegepi

  1. i have a question that why ur trade shows 60,00,000?It is unreasonable right? It should be 6,000,000,like the pic i link. I hope u can be more proficient in PS xD.
  2. 1m i want if u want to sell it
  3. sold!Can be closed!Thx for everyone bump and offers!Good luck!
  4. auction finished.plz contact in game or add my discord BOBBY#7313 thx!
  5. bump!3 hours left
  6. 550k for hasty one
  7. thank u for ur answer!^^
  8. i i dont know now.Maybe i would know in 3 days.if u think its waste ur time,u can cancel ur offer thx.
  9. ok auction will ends at 2019.3.13 19:22(GMT+8)
  10. i am online now.my discord is BOBBY#7313
  11. Hi,i want to sell my shiny goomy 1.Accept pokedollars,coin capsule and reroll ticket(1cc=300k,1reroll ticket=600k) 2.The auction will last 5 days after the first bid(Starting price) 3.I retain the right not to sell my poke(cancel auction) if I am not satisfied with the final price. Starting price:12m Insta price:30m Minimum raise:500k
  12. doublade 800k
  13. i insta buy arcannie.are u online now?
  14. i am online now do u have time?
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