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  1. Narshi


    Please, I need the name of the MAIN SCREEN song. i think is from a pokemon movie, I LOVE THAT SONG, it's nostalgic! Can someone tell me the name of the song, pleassse? THX!
  2. UPTADE: With the new uptade: "PRO32Pikachu", the game open but is infinite loading...Can anyone help me?
  3. "Have you tried to update all your drivers (the graphic one is the most important) and the DirectX?" Yes. "Also, clean the pc from unnecessary items with tools like: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download. Yes :/ Doenst work. "APPCRASH". :(
  4. Have you deleted all the past Clients and PRO folders you might have in your device? (including from the trashbin) Yes. :/
  5. Hey Narshi, check out this on some help with crash issues. I'll quote the section relating to you. Hope this fixes it for you, if you need more help please quote me when replying! I've tried all of this.
  6. The app crash and here is a error log. Please, help me.
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