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  1. https://prntscr.com/dgbf7l
  2. i have try to relog and download but it still cant see anything i hope the mapper or admin will fix this bug soon thx ps i love this game so much it is the image about the laghttps://prntscr.com/dgbf7l My IGN is kamenriderw :kiss: :Shy:
  3. #ms500k for world and the balance of PRO
  4. i wts this to mina-san feel free to deal with me His link https://prntscr.com/da8bfh S.o = 500k accept ms . enjoy game and this plz XD :Shy:
  5. I think it for wrong ability ?
  6. sold in game close
  7. 200k bisharp thx
  8. Re: RUKittenMe??? Recruiting! ~Yellow server~ <r>1. What is your current play time?<br/> 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3<br/> 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO<br/> 4. What are your goals in pro?<br/> 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3<br/> EXTRA CREDIT: Would you be able to join discord :O <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Light:</E> <br/> 1.i really dont remember but more than 60 h i think<br/> 2. i love all dont say much<br/> 3.cats and very hates dog<br/> 4.want to be better and helpful with everyone<br/> 5. because i like the cat icon and want to have more friend in game<br/> Extra credit : yes!!!!!<br/> my username : kamenriderw<br/> hope to join and have memory with friend <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  9. 200k for milotic :Grin:
  10. 200k for milotic :Grin:
  11. Feel good plz and thanks if argee to sell
  12. Re: WTS [31Scizor/31Gengar/GWTalonflame] <t>150 scizor</t>
  13. 135k for that hehe
  14. 130k for dragonite and 3 rc?
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