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  1. Hello. Now the problem disappear and i can go sinnoh. Thanks for help me.
  2. Hello. I have problem with the last boss HANNAH to go sinnoh. after defeat she and talk if i go to sinnoh i said no. Later talk again and she disappeared and i cant talk again now and i cant go sinnoh region. What is the problem?
  3. Hello. I have a problem to go sinnoh after defeat her. The problem is when i talk hannah she tells me '' woops im gonna back to sinnoh'' and she left and disappear. So i cant talk with she again and i cant go to sinnoh region. Please can anybody help me i dont know what to do here and is not posible to find good information for that. Please help me. Thank you
  4. If you can restart my battle with hannah do it and restart the 1rst dialog with she, so i think she tell me to go sinnoh again. Is posible? Or tell me your solution. Thank you again
  5. Hello. i already have the problem with hannah. She tells me when i speak with she ''woops i gonna back to sinnoh'' and she left and isn't carry me to go sinnoh and i cant go there. What is the problem? Please help me. Thank you
  6. Hello. The problem dissapear. Hannah is there now and all is correct. Thank you for support. Good job.
  7. What can we do for this problem? You can give me a solution?
  8. That area is in pokemon league in hoenn. I cant attach files.
  9. Hello. I installed again the game and check if hannah is visible and the problem is already continues. I defeat her and then talk with her and said no for go sinnoh. Then go to speak again and she disappeared and now I cant talk with hannah because she left after talk 1rst time with her. Please help me. I dont now what to do for go sinnoh.
  10. Ok. Thank you for investigate the problem. Now i check if the game goes correctly. I tell you later if i have a problem. Thank you again.
  11. Hello. I have a problem to travel sinnohh on 1rst time after defet boss hanna in pokemon league hoenn. Then to defeat her, i said no to go sinnoh beacause is not correct moment and then i talk again with her and she dissapeared and no carry me to sinnoh adventure and now i dont know to do to go sinnoh. Please help me. Thank you.
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