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Everything posted by Convival

  1. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <t>1.What is nickname in pro: Convival<br/> 2.How many hours have you played in red:161hours and 24 badges collected<br/> 3.Your age:19<br/> 4.Why do we accept you: It's​ your choice<br/> 5.Which one is your favorite Pokemon: Dragonite because of i like his looks<br/> 6.What is your ultimate goal in pro:To have an unbeatable PVP team<br/> 7.Will you be able to connect with us in discord: Yeah<br/> 8.Have you ever been to a guild before:Nope<br/> 9.Are you able to follow all the guild rules: I'll</t>
  2. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>•Name/IGN:convival<br/> •How often do you play/what's your playtime:151 hours and I play quite often;24 badges collected<br/> •Are you active in discord: Yes<br/> •Where are you from:India<br/> •What's your goal in PRO:To be one of the best PVP players<br/> •Why do you want to be part of reborn:To learn from some good players and become better</t>
  3. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <t>1.What is nickname in pro: Convival<br/> 2.How many hours have you played in red:134 hours<br/> 3.Your age:19<br/> 4.Why do we accept you: It's​ your choice<br/> 5.Which one is your favorite Pokemon: Dragonite because of i like his looks<br/> 6.What is your ultimate goal in pro:To have an unbeatable PVP team<br/> 7.Will you be able to connect with us in discord: Yeah<br/> 8.Have you ever been to a guild before:Nope<br/> 9.Are you able to follow all the guild rules: I'll</t>
  4. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (The rank 1 mask guild) <t>1.What is your nickname in pro:Convival<br/> 2.Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why: Dragonite cause of its power<br/> 3.What is your final objective in pro:Be one of the strongest :)<br/> 4.How many hours did you play on Red:120 hours<br/> 5.Age:19<br/> 6.Do you have a PVP team:not yet</t>
  5. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (The rank 1 mask guild) <t>I want to join the guild<br/> •I am 19<br/> •118 hours playtime 24 badges<br/> •Favourite Pokemon is Dragonite because of its unmatchable power.......<br/> •Ambition is to become one of the strongest<br/> *Nickname in game:Convival</t>
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