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Everything posted by His0ka

  1. starting bid 1m insta tbd auction will last for 24 hrs starting from the first bid. note: i have the right to decline if im not satisfied with the offer. good luck.
  2. Re: PvP TalonFlame / Blissey / Ambipom / Donphan / Torterra <t>i insta on donphan</t>
  3. Re: Best pokes on server, Scizor, Talonflame <r><IMG src="https://i64.tinypic.com/2dafwjn.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> still unable to contact you</r>
  4. Re: Best pokes on server, Scizor, Talonflame <t>ive been trying to contact you ingame but you were off, i guess the time difference is the problem.</t>
  5. Re: Best pokes on server <t>i'll insta on scizor and slowbro</t>
  6. cancelling my offer, i already bought one thanks
  7. 2.3m jolteon
  8. 1.5m jolteon
  9. 1mil for jolteon 1mil for dragonite 700k for Ambipom
  10. pm me ingame when you're on
  11. bump :Cool:
  12. Re: wts Garchomp, Scizor and Dragonite <t>i start with garchomp 800k</t>
  13. is it over?
  14. Re: EPIC MODEST BULBASAUR <t>i start 500k</t>
  15. Re: wts Multiscale Dragonite 48 hour auction <t>ill buy insta 8.5m</t>
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