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  1. Hello Ghoum Basically this way to go back to the Moon is allowed for players who beat Hoenn Elite 4. As you're still doing history, you should be able to go to the Moon again by going on top of Sky Pillar and talking to Jackson. Be careful, he will still ask you to pay 15k per trip, so I advise you to be well prepared ! Just in case and if you're facing some difficulty to beat Deoxys, catch a Pokemon with Sturdy, teach it Toxic and use a lot of Revive while Deoxys is dying from poisoning. There's an abandoned Onix in Granite Cave, and you can find TM Toxic in Fiery Path near Lavaridge Town. I wish you good luck ! :Sing: Thank you so much :)
  2. Hey there! I have lost the battle agains Deoxys in the moon. How can i attempt to travek there again? I have read some posts about that i need to go to the Space Center after talking with prof Blich, but that didn't work for me. I'm kind of stuck, any help is welcome :)
  3. If it can't learn Mega Drain, I guess it can't learn Giga Drain neither :(
  4. Hello! As my favourite Johto's starter is Chikorita, i chosed it. Now i have a level Meganium and i realize that the most powerfull grass-type attack is Magical Leaf with just 60 power. i don't really understand why a full grass Pokemon can't learn Mega Drain. I wish there where some more grass powerfull attcks as this pokemon isnt really balanced, i can't even oneshot a pokemon with 50 levels below me. The most powerfull attacks ON A GRASS TYPE POKEMON are physical ones, WHY?????
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