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  1. Route 47/48 near Johot Safari have mid 20s to lv 33 pokes you can use to level. its literally THE BEST place before you get to Blackthorn.
  2. Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? ;) <t>depending how good the devs and their tools are, may or may not be too hard. all it would really take is a random door. 100 people walk into the same door, only 10 appear on the same map. all maps look the same, all minimap pokedexy thing is just ???. can charge a fee for every door entry or something to try and soak up some of the Duck Tower gold pile that is the econ.</t>
  3. Anyone know if she ever sells you another dawn stone? Does she reset? I know I can get them from digging but shot in the dark < sure thing.
  4. Alright besides Quality of Life changes like skill management (moving skills in the list on a pokemon) or sorting the pc easier.. Also besides not knowing the ability to add these, I just think they would be neat. Secret Scent Potion...the opposite of repels. Mark the price up a lot cause it would be something for rare poke hunting just to increase the encounter rate. Make em like 2-5k a piece. Take out some of the $$ in the economy. Had another idea but ya, lost it somewhere..kinda like everything else.
  5. The only way for them to balance things like this is to add in more money sinks later in the story lines as they release them. Then we will have newer users in help chat screaming "how i r make 300k to gain access to region X?!?! I has 100hrs played!!" or something similar. As it stands I have 2 more large purchases that I am aware of in-game (super rod and DD floor access). After that its up to my discretion in throwing pokeballs or making IV's out of consumables like Elixirs. This problem has plagued MMOs and even after 20yrs playing them I still cant think of a good legit way to introduce endgame/meta money sinks that wont be soul destroying to newer players when they first arrive there. Sorry I cant be more helpful on the topic even though I understand all the problems that can arise from it.
  6. Too old to care.... GET OFF MY GRASS YOU LITTLE <expletives>!!! too young to get away with shouting the above legally. apparently. stupid sheltered children and their trophies for failing but showing up.
  7. Smite cause its not terrible.
  8. more than the number of gates iv taken possession of. also on that note, 3 more and i have a gate for every level of hell based on some religions views. edit: typo cause im a moron.
  9. name is surreal personality is terribad. i hate you all equally interests gaming, books, anime, manga, burning orphanages and pushing old people down the stairs.
  10. I was kidnapped, it wasnt by choice!
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