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Everything posted by Leotosi

  1. Ill start reporting everyone who sell it since is against the rules. then staff will decide what to do but i guess if not everyone can access to that since the guide was deleted, it would be a way to be rich bypassing a rule holding a monopoly of MS sells [glow=red]Real world trade for ingames things is agains the rules: "Paypal service for $ ingame"[/glow]
  2. [glow=blue]So what's the difference between supply and demand if people are looking only at fashion items value and trying to compare them to MS? Fashion items don't have much value so they shouldn't be counted as an equal to MS.[/glow] [glow=blue]I got PMed a lot for MS when I closed my sales, there is a lot of demand it just people are looking at the fashion items to get it cheaper.[/glow] >why fashion shouldnt have same value if buyers consider that it has the same value and seller's cost is the same?? tell that about fashion items to LOL players, some people are not looking for competitive pokemons just for good looking ones, if not why shinys are more expensive than normal pokemons? they have better stats? i dont think so... >U want to set a price in the market when the market isnt even stabilised yet, thats just stupid... and about pokemons, most people dont know how competitive works, thinks if the pokemon has good ivs is a good pokemon, ive seen people paying for epic sassy sweepers... and most players are complaining about cheap pokemon prices atm when u complain about high ones... have no idea what are u looking, my guild had bought tons of epic pokemons for really low prices.
  3. [glow=red]yes should be considered REAL WORLD TRADING, since u are providing the paypal service for ingame money.[/glow] [glow=red]I agree they should add a coin or token to trade but still u cant bypass rules[/glow] "To me this is stupid people are already getting 4kk+ and you could buy 1-2 years worth of MS with this too." [glow=red]most people that have a great amount of money in game have done it doing the same than u, selling MSs (and u will find any epic pokemon for the amount u get from selling MS, so please stop crying)[/glow] "The stupid reason is there is no reason for it to not increase. Oh if you post it in the trade chat for example 300k, everyone is like no thanks and that its a rip off and ect. (Trolling) The economy for actual pokemon increased but no... the economy has to stay 160k for MS due to the coin value exchange aka fashion items (pointless)." [glow=red]supply and demand... u know something about this? if there is people willing to sell that MS for that amount , that will be the prize, if u are not agree just grind like normal people does ;)[/glow]
  4. Hey guys im offering 20k for the guy that takes a SS next to that npc (yorkie's brother)... [glow=red]NOT in route 21, victory road or powerplant[/glow]
  5. [glow=red]From route 10 to lavender works fine[/glow]
  6. Seems[glow=red]same problem[/glow] happend to the dig in[glow=red]lavender city side[/glow], ill try the other side in few mins
  7. [glow=red]I went from route 4 to route 3 using dig, but now i cant go back[/glow], and theres few guys trying to go too we but cant it says:[glow=red]I better not venture into this digway without having know where its outlet leads to! Maybe I should search the other side of the cave[/glow] ^ It takes like we never beeing in route 4 b4, but we did
  8. breloom cant either, npc is not working
  9. Leotosi

    Re: Mt. Goon

    o/ nub
  10. Leotosi

    Re: Mt. Goon

    [glow=red]nice :P ill update my sig later xD still GOAT on it :p[/glow]
  11. Leotosi


    nice :) gimme the TS info again, i know im a nub and lost it again xD
  12. Nub o/ nub
  13. Hey im leotosi an old player of pdod (another mmo that is far far behind of this game ) hope to meet u guys in game
  14. nice guide, we should share our "route cards" (those with spawns) so we can complete each other and get all spawns
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