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Everything posted by Ologici

  1. I quit as being the leader of this guild Djburke and bladermagicians are now the leaders of this guild The guild war is still on
  2. deleted
  3. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>this is awesome</t>
  5. woah nice ideas dude but to be honest with u some of those things you mentioned are the things that are happening right now in gthe server ,just like guild wars,were doing a friendly guild war with an another guild in some point this month,and i think its pretty cool and the way were gonna do it is like this:leader vs leader vice leader vs vice leader,guild captains vs guild captains,and members vs members its easier to do it this way because its organized you know who youre fighting! and im also looking forward to building an alliance with an another guild! -The Celestials
  6. wow awesome youre in! welcome to Celestials then i look forward to working u!
  7. wow awesome youre in! welcome to Celestials then i look forward to working u!
  8. Hey guys thx for applying but were currently full right now 50/50 sorry!
  9. thx but this is cancelled for now,since were gonna be doing something important on july 18th,so plz train your pokemons until then, you guys know what iam talking about :) -The Celestials
  10. hello there due to the fact that were almost full,were only accepting the ones that are done kanto,or has more badges we currently have 48/50 members right now. But once u get your fourth badge ill invite u ,that way ill know if youre really playing the game or not hope u understand -The Celestials
  11. kk thats awesome welcome to Celestials!! :D whats your username https://discord.gg/NNcvT
  12. well it seems that youre perfect for our guild our goal is to become the strongest,and were working really hard to achieve our goal we help our members a lot ,and i promise u we will do pvps really soon were a new guild but we already have 41/50 if u would like to join us then check out the celestials guild!!!! :Grin: :Grin: :Grin:
  13. hey dude u can try joining us? were a very friendly guild and we would like to have u on our guild :D check out guild out were the celestials!!
  14. nice youre perfect for our guild and we have the same goal lol ill invite u right away!!
  15. 10 spots left guys were only accepting people who has 8 badges at least 40/50
  16. i updated the member list and its our first guild hunt today!!! :Grin: :Grin: :Grin:
  17. dont worry i wont and like u said someday we will face each other :Grin: :Grin: i hope your guild grows too!!
  18. kk nice youre in plz join our guild chat and welcome to Ceslestials!!! https://discord.gg/tDxfX
  19. yeah ill recruit more players later in the game but for now join the discord chatill be updating the link everyday
  20. were growing!!!
  21. lol and u cant really do anything about the pricing unless they decide to lower it down,its based on their decisions :Ambivalent:
  22. hello i invited u into our guild Welcome to Celestials!! :Grin:
  23. of course u can join i also invited your friend into the guild! :Grin:
  24. hey dude youre welcome to join us if u want visit celestials guild thread if u have time and fill out the application
  25. 17/20 recruiting more people have to be active in chat
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