Hey there!
My name's Kevin, but I am more commonly known as PyaKura over the interweb, but you can call me either, both are fine by me. 19 years old, French, and currently in my second year in college, studying and practicing Game Art (yeah, a video game school, isn't that cool?)
As for my experience with Pokémon and the video game world in general, well...
I've been a Pokémon player pretty much from the very beginning, and while I have been playing for fun most of the time, and at some point I kinda ventured myself into the intricate strategical side of the series (I think that was around 4th gen). My old passion is fading away little by little but I still enjoy the world of Pokémon, heck, enough to even try to find a MMO of it - oh and this is my first one by the way. My only regret would be to not have been able to play X/Y, but I might just buy it someday and play the hell out of it as I do with every Pokémon game I own. I also seldom wander on Showdown! for some OU battles, creating new teams everytime I go back in there mostly because I always forget to store my teams before leaving for a while haha.
Also enjoyed many of the spin-off games, especially the second game of the Mystery Dungeon series.
Apart from that, I am a huge fan and player of PC rhythm games (specifically "vertical scrolling rhythm games"), namely osu!, o2jam, Lunatic Rave 2 and Stepmania somewhat, with the occasional Deemo and Cytus on iPad.
The Monster Hunter series is also one of my favorites, having sunk at least 550 hours of gameplay on each ever since Monster Hunter Tri on Wii (didn't have a PSP for MHFU, so I ended up playing a english-patched version of MHP3rd haha).
I also happen to play League of Legends, Guild Wars 2, Rocket League and Trackmania² Stadium at the moment.
So that's about it for me, I've only registered today in here, and so far got my first badge against Brock with my trusty Bulbasaur (hooray!). The overall concept of this PokéMMO sounds (really, honestly) cool so I guess I'll stick around for a while and see what happens in here over time. Glad to meet y'all!
PyaKura out