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Everything posted by Crystalcrusader

  1. nice! a good chat i can keep open if i need someone to get ahold of me for daycare stuff :D
  2. depending on how busy. usually i can get 2 pokemon done a night, i work from home so if i work an 8 hour shift. im here 8 hours ev training. plus im usually on before/after work for awhile anyway.
  3. lol . server down right as we go to find each other :P hopefully its not down too too long. its all for the greater good! :Angel:
  4. I am back up and running, Looking for new customers ;)
  5. if you click login and the client freezes. the servers down. it will not freeze if the server is up. thats one quick way to tell. if your banned/suspended i would assume a message comes up and tells you
  6. I will not be around for 12/6/2015, I am leaving town and will not have internet until i return home.i will be home on the 7th i apologize for the delay
  7. ...this clearly states this is only for EV training
  8. still looking for some new orders. just fill out a form and ill contact you asap :D
  9. Open for orders again!
  10. I have got all the delibirds i need if someone could lock/remove this thread would be great. thanks
  11. servers gone down twice since i started on snorlax alone. This is getting crazy
  12. Sounds good, Should keep me occupied for a few days getting all of that exact. gonna need to make an exception about magikarp. i refuse to do that. unless evolving to gyrados is ok, then ill end up leveling it a few before eving it. ( Noone wants to spend 10 hours eving a karp with tackle -_- )
  13. once the servers up long enough to actually walk between towns ill get right on training snorlax
  14. We are open for request currently
  15. Chansey has been completed. had a lapse of memory on the last 6 EV ended up messing those last 6 up. but the rest are done
  16. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 674<br/> <br/> Wahoo lets do this!</t>
  17. Current Status: Not Available! Need to take care of orders NEW RULE POKEMON MUST BE ABOVE lv20 FOR DEF/HP EV TRAINING. OR ACCOMPANIED BY SPD SAY HP/SPD DEF/SPD( SPD IS THE LOWEST LEVEL RATS/PIDGEY ) DISCORD </SIZE> IF you wish to ask me a question directly or need assistance drop by the live chat on discord! <SIZE size="150"> IF YOU WISH TO HAVE PVP PROTECTION PLEASE SAY SO DURING THE APPLICATION AT SOME POINT, I STILL POST THE POKEMONS NAME BUT WILL NOT PUT UP ITS PICTURE UPON REQUEST. If you wish to be trained leave a forum post below and when i am here i will attempt to contact you. Thanks :Smile: Welcome to Crystal Daycare. Where we take care of your pokemon so you don't have too. Truth is not everyone has hours to pour into the game to do things like EV training, So I am here to help ease that burden for some of you. I am personally able to be online more often due to my working conditions. So i am usually within reach for a good portion of the day. I am offering full EV training of your choice. Since i am new and just starting at this and need to build a reputation i will be offering my services cheaper than normal for the first little while. I have managed to beat the Johto region and am currently working on a good team for the Johto E4 and a good personal team for myself. Its boring farming so i figured i would take time off and help some people out and make a bit of money in the process. - Crystal Daycare is only for EV Training - Form must be completed prior to starting. - A Screenshot of your pokemon will be logged at the time of trade. - I will not be responsible for any EV training that has already been done to the pokemon. a screenshot on trade will be proof of its EV's. - I will not monitor happiness during training. If this is something you require please think about doing it afterwards as i am not responsible for what happens to the happiness level, :Smile: thanks - Using this service you agree that after 1 weeks time the pokemon in question may be sold if not picked up. - You can add me in game to talk about it / Crystalcrusader i am usually around from 7pm Atlantic standard time till about 7-8am ast, or via the forums here. 1 EV = 252 EV's in one Stat 2 EV = 504 EV's in one stat Last 6 EV's will be upon your decision. If no decision is made i make a judgment call to either fill the last 6 or leave it 1 EV 20k. 2 EV 35k *STARTUP SPECIAL* Your pokemon WILL be EV trained with macho brace. *everstone - If you want me to use this to prevent evolution. You will need to mention this in the form. Since i will need to replace the macho brace and put this on it will be a little more expensive to EV train an unevolved poke. IGN: Pokemon: Level: Ev Training Goal: Moveset: Additional Notes: Note- Please make sure when listing Ev training. Which stats you would like done. as well as Moveset, please fill in if you would like to keep certain moves.Just in case while EV training it wants to learn a move. Any leveling that comes from my ev training is a free bonus! IGN : Osiris IGN: Jacquez IGN: Walrosskastanie IGN Lexburner IGN: Stormspiritgod IGN: Kingaether IGN: Yowee -- Feel free to copy/paste any information you want! I am not picky about that in the slightest.
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