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About Hoopadoopa

  • Birthday 05/27/2001

Personal Information

  • Career
    still in school .-.
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    still in school .-.

Hoopadoopa's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. IGN : Hoopadoopa Answer 1 :Azelf Answer 2 :They represnt the triforce from TheLegendOfZeldaSeries
  2. im scared of the epic latios/heatran already .-.
  3. Awesome idea too balance the meta and too make way more pokes usable. THink about it not just sub-users also pokes like noivern/crobat can get viable because of infiltrator being useful then.
  4. u accept s mounts/mounts as part of payment?
  5. okkk im sry gl then
  6. 20th of september? Lol i guess hes talkin about 20th august
  7. I wtb an epic amoongus/Volcarona Volcarona/Larvesta: timid/bold+flame body Amoongus/foongus:bold+regenerator Feel free too pm me here or ingame best wishes hoopadoopa
  8. Hey my name is hoopadoopa and i got around 5m in pokes/items here on yellow and would like too trade it with items/pokes on blue :Grin: . (cant post all pokes here) Short list of stuff i own on yellow below: Pokes(all pvp ready with moveset):Ada Metagross;Relaxed Ferrothorn;Timid Starmie;Impish Donphan;Bold Blissey;Ada Absol;Timid flash fire Chandelure;Impish Skarmory;Ada Azumarill;Jolly Gallade Pokes(not pvp ready):lvl 91 ev trained timid 31 spd gengar;epic timid ha. swablu Items: 2 life orbs;1 vampire cloak;1 team aqua cap; 1 pvp item of youre choice(50coins) If youre interested in reviewing the pokes individually pm me here or ig (online mostly on blue ig:Hoopadoopa)Thanks for reading :Heart:
  9. Hey my name is hoopadoopa and i got around 5m in pokes/items here on yellow and would like too trade it with items/pokes on blue :Grin: . (cant post all pokes here) Short list of stuff i own on yellow below: Pokes(all pvp ready with moveset):Ada Metagross;Relaxed Ferrothorn;Timid Starmie;Impish Donphan;Bold Blissey;Ada Absol;Timid flash fire Chandelure;Impish Skarmory;Ada Azumarill;Jolly Gallade Pokes(not pvp ready):lvl 91 ev trained timid 31 spd gengar;epic timid ha. swablu Items: 2 life orbs;1 vampire cloak;1 team aqua cap; 1 pvp item of youre choice(50coins) If youre interested in reviewing the pokes individually pm me here or ig (online mostly on blue ig:Hoopadoopa)Thanks for reading :Heart:
  10. yellow party hat electric cloak vampire cloak lollipop kiwi
  11. Wts a few items; Yellow party hat Also Vampire cloak 90k Lollipop kiwi n/a
  12. Wts a few items; Yellow party hat 650k Electric cloak 90k Both together 700k(partyhat/cloak) Also Vampire cloak 90k Lollipop kiwi n/a
  13. Hey my name is hoopadoopa and i got around 5m in pokes/items here on yellow and would like too trade it with items/pokes on blue :Grin: . (cant post all pokes here) Short list of stuff i own on yellow below: Pokes(all pvp ready with moveset):Ada Metagross;Relaxed Ferrothorn;Timid Starmie;Impish Donphan;Bold Blissey;Ada Absol;Timid flash fire Chandelure;Impish Skarmory;Ada Azumarill;Jolly Gallade Pokes(not pvp ready):lvl 91 ev trained timid 31 spd gengar;epic timid ha. swablu Items: 2 life orbs;1 vampire cloak;1 team aqua cap; 1 pvp item of youre choice(50coins) If youre interested in reviewing the pokes individually pm me here or ig (online mostly on blue ig:Hoopadoopa)Thanks for reading :Heart:
  14. Ups wrong section
  15. 450k/msg me ingame HoopaDoopa :)! if image doesnt work again heres link for photo: https://imgur.com/a/zOPcX
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