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About Arsony

  • Birthday 06/29/1991

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  1. I agree only with that starter idea. Me personally from tens of starts in pokemon games i never, literally never had good ived/natured starter in my whole life. I really would love to have some great venusaur/charizard/blastoise/blaziken :) Other than that i disagree with other suggestions. As it has been said already essence of ALL mmo games is time put in. These games are meant to be grindy, they are meant to be huge timesinks so decreasing difficulty to get epic rare pokemons shouldnt happen, because their value wouldnt be so great. My tip for long grinds: watch movies/tv series whilst you are grinding. I have bit advantage i am poker player so i am used to multitask and very often while i am grinding some pokemons i am playing poker tournaments which makes my time spent more enoyable way and more effective. Learn to do something like that ;) Not gonna repeat supply/demand argument here for ms prize it has been said many times before. Only thing i add is take another perspective. You dont really need ms to play the game, its just luxury which improves your quality of your game for which someone paid with his real life money. Dont take it for granted.
  2. Re: HELLO <t>You should make appropriate name of your topic imo.</t>
  3. i am actually. This is my shuckle
  4. Will you take exception for my shuckle? :D
  5. exactly same thing happened to me on yellow server, ign arsony https://ctrlv.cz/IloL
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Rewards] <r><IMG src="https://images-2.discordapp.net/.eJwFwVsOhCAMAMC7cADKc0FvQ5CgUVtCa_zY7N135queealV7SKDV4Dt4Epz0yw0S2-6E_WrlXGwrnRDESl1vxsKg7Mu-2S9C3EJwdmcwHljkjcxZv-x1uSQ4cET6UU9sKvfHwUDIs0.eOMXGlr7zwBl0pBYjJ5sxPHfeRE"><s></e></IMG><br/> finally got something nice from any boss :D</r>
  7. Server: yellow ign: arsony Hello since this morning (cca 14 hours ago) i cant connect to yellow server. Error message says user is already logged in, despite the fact i am most certainly not. I can connect to any other server without problems and even can connect to yellow from different account. I tried everything from restarting pc, to deleting game folder and instaling again. Nothing works.
  8. are you a grill?
  9. Re: Tranquility {Yellow Server}{Recruiting!} <r>Heya my ign is arsony and id like to join your guild :) Current guild is bit too much quiet and literally nothing is happening there :P Heres my card<br/> <IMG src="https://www.imgup.cz/images/2016/08/07/pokecard.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [27/07/2016] <t>Req. for morty are wrong. Ive tried to encounter him with my team with lvl 100 gengar and he said to me he dont think i traveled for long enough. There will be some hour requirement (i have currently 101 hours)</t>
  11. ign: arsony ad me please :)
  12. welcome, have fun :)
  13. Lvl 50 is way more balanced and lvl 50 pvp would make pvp accesible for casual players not just for 24/7 grinders which will largely increase the player base and will make mor options for more interesting tournaments/leagues etc. Definitly agree with the idea hope it will come true eventually <3 btw off topic: great work devs so far, best pokemon game out there <3
  14. nevermind me i wrote bs :x gratz for dratini :)
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