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About Yunjin2110

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  1. probably too late cause he already wrote "sold too...for" in his thread oh ty ...
  2. WTB Bold Tynamo or Eelektrik or Eelektross with good EV offer me
  3. Do you mean a 3v3 battle? :) If yes, as for now we don't have a lot of playerbase to justify doing another queue for 3v3, in the future we might add it if it justifys itself. But you can already do that by yourself, you just need to have a personal agreement with the other players and do the battle with them just by using 3 pokemons each. I have seem a lot of guilds doing tournaments of that nature and seems to work out and being fun. Best of luck and have fun playing :) yes i mean 3vs3 battle um sry. are you developer of this game? i just wonder your answer is official one
  4. Could you please explain ? Oh sry we call 63 battle as 3vs3 battle In Korea.. and sry to my grammer too lol
  5. Is there any possibility of '6→3 Battle' coming out?
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