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  1. Great: Good: Decent: and a good sinc: oh and this pinsir:
  2. I actually like the fact you can only challange them once a day, and the fact you dont get any exp once you've lost. however I don't like the fact you won't get ANY money. like there has been said above theres quite a few uses for your money in this game and theres other ways of earning money faster (and more) than doing the E4 once (each day). So I feel like it wouldn't be unbalanced to just make them give a (small) amound of money
  3. 4-10 is 6 hours 10- 20 is 10 hours 20- 4 is 8 hours.... if it was 10 hours each stage that be 30 hours in one day? edit: to add to that i think its 12 when it changes so that makes it 8 hours per stage im not entirely sure tho.
  4. can someone confirm this?
  5. I've got a question: Does Synchronize work? And if so does it work like on the regular games where you can have your first pokemon with synchronize ability but fainted and then a second pokemon to weaken the desired pokemon in order to catch it. I've been trying it out and so far I havn't found that it's working but I might've just been unlucky.
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