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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. hi i lost my item black glasses after update please help. :thanks:
  2. Hooh

    German Players

    Super! Mal sehen wer zuerst die 100 Stunden Marke knackt.
  3. it is only possible to go up the stairs on the blue marked part of the stair but normaly it have to changed to the red marked part of the stair
  4. it is possible to pass the officer from the back of him than no way back or anywhere
  5. i think it must possible to step 1 step more forward
  6. the bug its flashing all 3 seconds i think
  7. normal
  8. sorry but the roof bugs not already solved
  9. the npc is invisibel https://www.dropbox.com/s/fzc3nerctrc4zmt/Screenshot%20%2814%29.png?dl=0
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