It's a good idea, you can try checking the other 10+ post of the same house concept suggestion. Let me give my feedback. House concept is surely to boost PRO popularity, as it becomes the first Pokemon MMO to do so. Logically, Shane here can even make it as a some sort of a win-win situation by implementing the house/base, and sperating certain items to be available only on coins shop, players get their satissfaction, the DEV gets a new way of money injection for the game donation.
Now, how realistic of this suggestion and the rate of it being ever implemented in near future. As far as I see, the only problem they would be having is on the furnitures part. They need to script alot, and by that, needs a mega scripting for all the variables. It's a hard work and pain,but no impossible to achieve. OR, they can just do the basic furnitures stuff, and make less work for the team.
Guild base is mostly going to be implemented than player home from my calculation. Simply to put, we have so many players, and if each players to have their own houses, that would burden the database in some sort of way, and wasting memories.