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Everything posted by Akman15

  1. Wtt adamant or jolly speedboost good iv blaziken for [glow=red]2M[/glow] and 2 PvP Pokes. Pm me in game akman15.
  2. Closed
  3. I ask for question mine opponent blisseys ability and his told me natural cure and i saw in battle blissey healed. But i sleep first blissey and second slowbro and mine opponent told me "i reported u because u sleep mine two poke" and i scary and disconnect with battle :D thank yu for answer me
  4. Hi today i fight in pvp i use sleep power is natural cure blissey. I saw blissey natural cure and i use sleep power slowbro. Mine opponent told me 2 pvp poke sleep is ban and i disconnect with battle .Is this a violation of a rule? I read forum pvp rules but mine english not good and i dont understand. Please help me thank you.
  5. Re: 31 Def Epic Ferrothorn <t>bump!</t>
  6. Close
  8. Re: 31 Spd Jolly Garchomp <t>2hours 20mimutes left. Last 20minutes auction in game.</t>
  9. Re: 31 Spd Jolly Garchomp <t>19 hours left</t>
  10. Re: 31 Spd Jolly Garchomp <t>26 Hours Left</t>
  12. Re: H.A Talon/Relax Tyra/31spd Galvantula/30sdp Jolly Lucario/Cheap <t>Up up up up</t>
  13. Closed
  14. Sorry wrong server...
  15. Closed
  16. Re: Sell 7 PvP Ready Pokes <t>Shop open</t>
  17. Closed
  18. Wtb epic timid (31spd) natural cure staryu ill pay 1m-2m. Pm me forum or game.
  19. Re: AKMAN's BIG SHOP/17.02.2017 (43 POKE)/ALL INSTA <t>open again</t>
  20. Mapple why not answer me Anything answer for me. Please look mine discipline appeal Please i wait 12hours Legend is Mapple gm Legend is answer for me gm End this poem here This is effort to attract attention.
  21. Sir mapplle answer for me ^-^ how to delete or close this post ?
  22. Uhm okey sorry I apogolize forbtwking your time. good day everyone
  23. I wait 3 days.Mapplle answer me 1.5 days ago then I did not get any answers.I not sleep and i found evidence but not for answer me why ? I play 33day time and im really sadly now. I only connect with gane and banned. Sorry if I disrupted you. I opened a new topic for being helpless
  24. i wilk find girlfriend after valentine day. because valentibe day--------> money
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