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Everything posted by K3nnzor

  1. Hi bros! How do i go from sinnoh to any region?
  2. Hello! After finishing e4 sinnoh Dawn gives u a mission can you help me with that?
  3. Thanks Thanks a lot
  4. HI guys! Do u know where is an item maniac in sinnoh?
  5. K3nnzor


    what lvl for huntail
  6. K3nnzor


    Thanks guys but no one of my pokes are ev and iv trained.And where I can get focus sash?
  7. K3nnzor


    Guys i trained a goldeenn with lighting rod to lvl 100,I watch on youtube an the houndoom will thunder fang him. To me is giving dark pulse.Any ideea i can win with a raichu gyrados salamence bisharp and goldeen?Or why is not givind thunder fang
  8. Where is the best place to find one or who sells one for a lvl 100 glalil or weavile
  9. where is Easter Plateau
  10. Hi,i have 135 caught and 38 evolved why i can't go in Love Island? please help :confused:
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