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Everything posted by Imjusthere

  1. Sorry about that. Missed the last part of my name in the copy somehow >_< I'm Just Here | 【Chris】#4282
  2. If there are still spots available, I'd like to join. https://imgur.com/gallery/DAFTM My discord I.D. is: I'm Just Here#4282
  3. Sadly, a year since I've started playing on android and they seem as if they don't want to add the hover information to android. No threads regarding this discussion ever get replied to by staff, either. Seems they'd rather add new content that was never in the game for everyone (eg. Mounts, clothes, coin capsules) instead of helping us minimize our issues while playing. Almost as if saying "We don't care about android as much as our PC users, so you can deal with what we give you or simply switch to PC"
  4. If they were to be added to the play store, this game would be shut down for copyright infringment due to using the title "Pokemon", plus using everything else related to said title. Hosting the game as is, they can stay low-key from Nintendo and keep the servers running. Although, nothing is ever set in stone even doing it this way due to so many videos posted online. Salty people can always report the game at any time.
  5. It's not a bug. It's one of the many moves that aren't yet coded.
  6. Great to see the game may progress past sinnoh at some point instead of die out eventually ending in sinnoh. But, not to seem like a prick by saying this, but you complain about having a map of sinnoh (because you can hover over areas to clarify positioning) yet in the year i've played this game i've never had that option (as well as all other android users) regardless of how many complaints are raised about the issue. The only "hover" option they've added for information for us since I started is that of moves. We have to actually resort in maps online (minimizing the game just to take a look). Don't say "well, play on a computer" or anything similar because not everyone has that chance -_-
  7. Sorry for the late reply. If you haven't figured how to do this yet, then all you have to do is press your back button to minimize the chat box and the posted poke will still be there and you can drag another one down into the chat (repeat if you need to post more). Just don't type anything until after all your pokes are listed in the box. It's a pain, but it works lol.
  8. Never have cried over an anime, but came close to tears twice. Clannad and Angel Beats. Angel Beats isn't really sad, but if you've seen it you'd understand my reasoning @_@
  9. Bump ^
  10. I'm sure that everyone that uses only android to play has issues with the hovering options (map details, pokemon moves details in pokedex, etc.) because for us, we either have to use another phone (assuming there's no computer at hand) or minimize the app to look up details on the map if we need to. Also, the scrolling when going through your bag is horrible on android. We have to tap and hold the scrollbar in order to move it (same as comp, right?) But, too often (unless I'm alone on this one) we click an item and/or switch to a different section of the bag. I have a 6.3 inch screen and it's still horrible trying to navigate that. In-battle (minus the freezing we all experience) more often than not I end up tapping the wrong item and screwing up my turn due to a misclick. Is there any way to change how android handles this? Or even widening the scrollbar may help a bit. Yes, I know we can resize the display to make the dialogues bigger, but, we have to resize again or we can't do anything due to a cluster of a mess on the screen. Doing that constantly in irritating. I know from experience. Been playing a year now, and I'd hoped something would have changed with this. One last thing, but just a personal request I'd like to see myself on android. On comp, they can do /staffview 1 command to zoom the camera out while on the map. Why not enable this for android as well? Those of us with the phones capable of handling it can benefit from it, just as those on a computer, if it's enabled for us as well.
  11. It's not a problem with the game. They haven't coded the hover option for most things on android like they have on the computer versions.
  12. Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming} <r>1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)?: <HIGHLIGHT highlight="blue"><s>[highlight=blue]</s>Imjusthere<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> <br/> 2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have?: <HIGHLIGHT highlight="blue"><s>[highlight=blue]</s>19 badges and (severs are down) a little over 130 hours<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> <br/> 3.Why do you want to join Illusion?: <HIGHLIGHT highlight="blue"><s>[highlight=blue]</s>have seen Han1996 in chat, and seems like a great person to be in a guild with<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> <br/> 4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)?: <HIGHLIGHT highlight="blue"><s>[highlight=blue]</s>have it, just never used it<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> <br/> 5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)?: <HIGHLIGHT highlight="blue"><s>[highlight=blue]</s>Meloetta<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> <br/> 6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord?: <HIGHLIGHT highlight="blue"><s>[highlight=blue]</s>Yes. I use my phone to play, but background programs don't hinder anything.<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT></r>
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